Corporate Transparency
The La Ronge & District Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance. We believe that effective board governance is foundational to achieving our mission of empowering local businesses and enriching our community.
Regular board meetings are held monthly. These are open to Chamber members who wish to attend and contribute to discussions that impact the local business community.
Board Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month, unless otherwise addressed through email or our social media platforms.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes Archive
Transparency and accountability are cornerstones of effective governance. Visit our Meeting Minutes Archive to stay informed about the discussions, decisions, and activities shaping the future of the La Ronge & District Chamber of Commerce. Updated regularly, this repository ensures our members and community stakeholders are kept up-to-date on our initiatives.
Financial Reports
Financial Reports Archive
Financial transparency is a key pillar of our governance at the La Ronge & District Chamber of Commerce. Access our annual financial reports here to gain insight into our fiscal management, operational costs, and the allocation of resources that support our mission to foster local economic growth. These documents are made readily available to assure our members and community of our commitment to fiscal responsibility.
Chamber Bylaws
ARTICLE 1 The name of this organisation will be the La Ronge and District Chamber of Commerce.
ARTICLE 2 The objectives of the La Ronge and District Chamber of Commerce will be to promote and improve commerce and the economic, civic and social welfare of the district.
ARTICLE 3 The usual place of meeting will be in the Town of La Ronge, Village of Air Ronge or the Lac La Ronge Indian Band, La Ronge Reserves, Saskatchewan.
ARTICLE 4 The La Ronge and District Chamber of Commerce will be non-partisan and non-sectarian and will not lend its support to any candidate for public office.
ARTICLE 5 Wherever the words “The Chamber” occur in these bylaws, they will be understood to mean, “The La Ronge and District Chamber of Commerce” as a body.
ARTICLE 6 Wherever the words “The Executive” appear in these bylaws, they will be understood to mean “The Executive of the La Ronge and District Chamber of Commerce”.
ARTICLE 7 Wherever the words “member” appear in these bylaws, they will be understood to mean “the Chamber member”.
ARTICLE 8 Wherever the word “District” occurs in these bylaws, it will mean that area, within and for which this Chamber was established, as defined in the Certificate of Registration under the Boards of Trade Act (R.S. c.18,s.1)
ARTICLE 9 A member is any person, association or corporation who has paid their annual fee in full and who is directly or indirectly engaged or interested in commerce or the economic and social welfare of the District.
ARTICLE 10 The annual dues payable by members will be determined annually by the Executive at the Annual General Meeting.
ARTICLE 11 The Chamber has one class of members: regular member.
ARTICLE 12 At the discretion of the Executive, the membership year is January to December or 12 consecutive months.
ARTICLE 13 Any member of the Chamber who contravenes this bylaw may be expelled by two-thirds vote of the Executive.
ARTICLE 14 Persons who have distinguished themselves by some meritorious or public service may be elected honorary members by a majority vote of the Executive. Such recognition will be for a term of one year and may be repeated. Honorary membership will be exempted from the payment of annual dues.
ARTICLE 15 The Executive will be composed of the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and five Directors.
ARTICLE 16 The Executive may include the following advisory positions: Past President, one Council representative from the Town of La Ronge, one council representative from the Northern Village of Air Ronge, one Council representative from the Lac La Ronge Indian Band (or as appointed by said councils). These positions are advisory in nature and will not have voting privileges at Executive Meetings of the Chamber. The Past President term will be 2 years.
ARTICLE 17 Elections for Executive members, with the exception of appointed council members listed in ARTICLE 16, will take place at the Annual General Meeting.
ARTICLE 18 The term of an Executive member is two years. Executive positions will be staggered so that the term of the President, Secretary, Director 1, Director 3 and Director 5 expire in odd numbered years, and so that the term of the Vice-President, Treasurer, Director 2 and Director 4 expire in even numbered years.
ARTICLE 19 No member will hold the same elected executive position for more than five consecutive two year terms.
ARTICLE 20 Where a member of the Executive dies or resigns from office or is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Executive without cause, a by-election will be held at any regular meeting of the Executive (see ARTICLE 46).
ARTICLE 21 An Executive member may be suspended or terminated from office by motion if, in the opinion of the Executive, they have been grossly negligent in the performance of their duties and the majority of Executive members vote accordingly at any regular meeting of the Executive. The motion wording must include the reasons for suspension or termination.
ARTICLE 22 The Executive has the general power of administration, provided that such powers are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Boards of Trade Act.
ARTICLE 23 The Executive may make or authorise petitions or representations to various levels of government, other jurisdictions, or others as it may determine.
ARTICLE 24 The Executive can adopt and amend bylaws and policies to best promote the welfare of the Chamber and will submit them for adoption at the Annual General Meeting.
ARTICLE 25 The Executive may appoint committees, designate members of the executive, the Chamber or others to examine, consider and report on any matter or take such action as the Executive may request.
ARTICLE 26 Any committee may be terminated by the Executive.
ARTICLE 27 No paid employee of the Chamber will be a member of the Executive.
ARTICLE 28 Executive members receive no remuneration for services rendered.
ARTICLE 29 All elected Executive members must keep their Chamber membership active throughout their term. If membership fees are not paid within one month of their due date, and this remains unresolved by the next scheduled executive meeting, the member will forfeit their position on the Executive. A by-election will then be conducted to fill the vacant position.
ARTICLE 30 The responsibilities of an executive member are to:
Be committed to the mission, goals and policies of the Chamber.
Perform the functions and work of the board to the best of one’s ability.
Recommend others who could serve on the board or be of particular value to the organisation in other capacities.
Avoid any conflicts of interest and situations that would compromise the principles of the Chamber or lead to the perception of compromise.
Be knowledgeable about the Chamber, the services it provides and the community in which it operates.
ARTICLE 31 The duty of the President is to:
Present a general report of the activities of the year at the Annual General Meeting.
Regulate the order of business at the Annual General Meeting and Executive meetings, receive and put forward lawful motions, and communicate to the meeting what they may think concerns the Chamber.Along with the Secretary, sign all papers and documents requiring signatures on behalf of the Chamber. If the President is absent, the Vice President will be the signatory. If the President and Vice President are absent, then an Executive member will be the signatory as chosen by the majority of Executive members.
ARTICLE 32 The Vice President is the operations officer of the organisation and will:
Perform those functions delegated to the Vice President by the President.
Perform the duties of the President when the President is unable to perform them.
ARTICLE 33 The Secretary will, in the absence of a paid administrative support position:
Be the executive officer of the Chamber and will be responsible to the Executive for the general control and management of the Chamber’s business and administrative affairs.
Be responsible for keeping the records of the Chamber, conducting its correspondence, retaining copies of all official documents, and will perform all such other duties as properly pertain to the office.
Along with the President, sign and when necessary seal with the seal of the Chamber, of which the Secretary will have custody, all papers and documents requiring signature or execution on its behalf.
Maintain an accurate record of the proceedings of the Chamber and of the Executive.
At the expiration of their term of office, will deliver to the Chamber all books and papers and other property of the Chamber.
ARTICLE 34 The Treasurer will, in the absence of a paid administrative support position:
Have charge of all funds of the Chamber and will deposit, or cause to have deposited, the same in a financial institution selected by the Executive.
Out of such funds, the Treasurer will pay amounts approved by the Executive and will keep a regular account of the income and expenditures of the Chamber.
Will submit a reviewed financial statement thereof for presentation to the Annual General meeting and at any time required by the Executive.
The Treasurer will make such investments of funds of the Chamber as the Executive my direct. The Treasurer will, with the President or Vice-President, sign all notes, cheques and drafts.
ARTICLE 35 Five or more members of the Executive will be a quorum.
ARTICLE 36 Special meetings may be held at any time at the discretion of the President or as requested in writing by at least three members of the Executive. At least one week’s notice of such meetings will be given to the membership via the membership email list.
ARTICLE 37 The Executive will meet at least 9 times during the calendar year, to carry on the business of the Chamber.
ARTICLE 38 Notice of all meetings, naming the time and meeting location, will be given to all members through any social media or messaging platform deemed appropriate by the Executive.
ARTICLE 39 Agendas and minutes of all Executive meetings will be entered in records to be kept for that purpose by the Secretary and posted to the Chamber website if available. The entry of such minutes will be signed by the person who presides at the meetings at which they are adopted.
ARTICLE 40 The President is the chair of all Executive meetings.
ARTICLE 41 The Vice-President will act in the absence of the President, and in the absence of both these executive members, the remaining Executive members will appoint a temporary chair person to act temporarily by majority vote.
ARTICLE 42 All Executive meetings will be open to Chamber members who may attend but not take part in any of the proceedings.
ARTICLE 43 Every Executive member in good standing is entitled to one vote at Executive meetings.
ARTICLE 44 The vote of the majority will decide.
ARTICLE 45 Voting will be by show of hands.
ARTICLE 46 A recorded vote must be requested before the motion is made.
ARTICLE 47 The President will vote only in the case of a tie.
ARTICLE 48 Following ARTICLE 20, by-elections can be held at any regular meeting of the Executive. Three weeks notice to members must be given for a by-election.
ARTICLE 49 The Annual General Meeting of the Chamber will be held annually each April at a time and place determined by the Executive. At least two weeks’ notice of the Annual General Meeting will be given.
ARTICLE 50 The President is the chair at all Annual General Meetings.
ARTICLE 51 The audited or reviewed financial statements will be available for viewing by members at the Annual General Meeting and posted to the Chamber website if available.
ARTICLE 52 Voting will take place at the Annual General Meeting for:
Executive positions for whose term has expired.
New or amended bylaws.
ARTICLE 53 Every Chamber member in good standing is entitled to one vote at the Annual General Meeting.
ARTICLE 54 The vote of the majority will decide.
ARTICLE 55 Votes will be tabulated by show of hands at the Annual General Meeting, or by advanced electronic ballot submission if applicable.
ARTICLE 56 The President will vote only in the case of a tie.
ARTICLE 57 Agendas and minutes of all Annual General Meetings will be entered in records to be kept for that purpose by the Secretary and posted to the Chamber website if available. The entry of such minutes will be signed by the person who presides at the meetings at which they are adopted.
ARTICLE 58 Bylaws can only be made or amended by a majority of Chamber members present at the Annual General Meeting. Notice of the amendment(s) and amendment wording must be sent to all Chamber members via the Chamber member email list (and posted to the Chamber’s website if available) at least two clear weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
ARTICLE 59 Any member can submit a bylaw proposal or amendment for consideration by the membership. The proposal or amendment for consideration must be submitted before the Chamber is required to send out notice and wording, following ARTICLE 56.
ARTICLE 60 A bylaw comes into force when carried by the majority of members.
ARTICLE 61 The Chamber, at the discretion of the Executive, will have power to affiliate with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, or any other organization in which membership may be in the interest of the Chamber.
ARTICLE 62 No public pronouncements in the name of the Chamber may be made unless authorized by the Executive or by some person to whom the Executive has delegated the authority.
ARTICLE 63 At their discretion, the President may engage in media interviews.
ARTICLE 64 The fiscal year of the Chamber starts on January 1st and ends on December 31st.
ARTICLE 65 An auditor or reviewer as required by The Non-profit Corporations Act, being non-partisan to the Chamber, will be appointed at an Executive meeting before the Annual General Meeting by majority vote. An audited or reviewed financial statement, as the case may be, will be presented by the Treasurer at each Annual General Meeting.
ARTICLE 66 Chamber agendas, minutes and annual financial statements will be posted to the Chamber’s website for public viewing or, if a website is not available, available for viewing in paper form upon request. The cost of photocopying is borne by the person requesting a copy.
ARTICLE 67 Parliamentary procedure will be followed at all general and executive meetings in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
ARTICLE 68 Where time is of the essence, Executive motions may be made and voted on by electronic means. The Secretary will retain a hard copy of such motions to be read into the minutes at the following meeting.
Bylaws amended May 1, 2024 Annual General Meeting